
Monday, December 10, 2012

End of Semester Reflections Post

Warning:  This is the final paper for my Digital History course, and as such it is much longer than my typical blog entry.  

I was actually accepted into all three graduate programs in Public History that I applied for, and the digital history component of UNC Charlotte’s program was one of the major deciding factors that led me to select the program I am now a part of.  I had high expectations for the digital history class, and now that I am nearly finished with the course I must say I am not disappointed.  The entire class was structured around one major outcome:  designing an online exhibit.  We were divided into groups and each group was required to draft a group contract for their assigned exhibit topic.  My group adhered to our contract the entire semester, and we learned a great deal along the way to our (now nearly completed) online exhibit.
            Our professor maintained a Moodle page for the class and we were able to view a list of pre-approved exhibit topics before we even went to our first class.  As soon as I saw the available topics I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  One of the topics was the Plaza-Midwood neighborhood.  My mother has resided just outside the Plaza-Midwood neighborhood for the majority of my life, and I’ve always been enamored with the beautiful, historic homes that dot the streets there.  I immediately emailed some students I knew I would work well with to see if they were interested in working with me and much to my delight all three agreed they’d like to work with me on the Plaza-Midwood project.  I then sent an email to Dr. Cox who informed me that it just wasn’t fair for us to pick first, and I spent most of the first class biting my nails and hoping we’d all be able to work together on the Plaza-Midwood topic anyway.  As luck would have it, it all worked out and the “From Miracle Mile to Plaza-Midwood” online exhibition was born.
            Our groups were required to draft a group contract before any of the real work could begin.  Ali, Susan, Sean, and I tend to be verbose and very detailed, and so our contract was probably much longer and more complicated than it actually needed to be.  It was four pages long and incredibly specific. I wrote the mission statement portion of the contract.  Our group believes that Plaza-Midwood is the epitome of the cultural and economic diversity Charlotte strives to embody.  Our mission, therefore, was to make the history of this incredible neighborhood available to the public online.  The exhibit will be completed and available to the public online Thursday, December 13th.  Our mission is thus complete.
            The next step in our contract, and also in the process of building an online exhibit, was to decide what information we should seek out and put into the exhibit. We visited the library together to get a feel for our subject. Each member of the group selected a specific topic to research and agreed to locate ten artifacts related to that topic.  My topic was building community.  Having spent a great deal of time in Plaza-Midwood myself, I was very interested in showing the rest of the world just how tightly knit and caring this community is (and always has been).  I knew the best place to unearth information about how Plaza-Midwood became the caring community it is now was the Special Collections Room at J. Murray Atkins Library.  Marilyn Schuster is the local documents librarian and she pulled UNC Charlotte’s Plaza-Midwood Collection for me.  I spent hours sitting quietly at a desk in Special Collections, sifting quietly and carefully through every single document that had been so painstakingly filed away on the history of Plaza-Midwood.  I made a note of the more interesting items, and then I spent hours staring at each of those items so I could narrow it down to the ten I thought best embodied the spirit of the community. 
I decided to focus upon the Midwood Park Project and the numerous annual neighborhood events sponsored by the Plaza-Midwood Neighborhood Association.  The park was important to highlight because some of the earliest members of what is now Plaza-Midwood were so concerned that their children did not have a park to play in that they took it upon themselves to raise the funds for and build a neighborhood park.  The Midwood Park Project perfectly demonstrates the amazing community spirit inherent in this neighborhood.   It also shows that people who live in Plaza-Midwood are movers and shakers—they make things happen.  The events were equally important to my topic because these events really cement the bond that makes Plaza-Midwood residents such good neighbors.  This community has events nearly every single month—from festivals to parades, they’ve got it covered.
As a group we agreed that we should seek to document Plaza-Midwood’s significance utilizing a wide variety of sources and artifacts.   I selected a range of Plaza-Midwood Neighborhood Association newsletters to best display the diversity of events present in Plaza-Midwood. The Midwood Park Project includes legal documents and newspaper clippings. Each of our group members located, scanned, and uploaded a wide variety of artifacts documenting Plaza-Midwood’s unique history.  These artifacts illustrate the transformation of Plaza-Midwood from a small streetcar suburb to the cultural hub it has now become.  Each artifact had to be properly scanned and uploaded to the Omeka website.  Then we had to enter metadata into Dublin Core for each object.  Dublin Core was something each of us struggled with in different ways.  I was fortunate in that I had utilized Dublin Core previously, but I had forgotten a great deal and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to remember how to use it.  Dr. Cox arranged an Omeka workshop with Heather McCollough, one of our university’s brilliant librarians, and I felt much better about the whole thing.
Our group then decided that each of us should be responsible for ensuring the success of a particular portion of the exhibit building process.  Sean Whittaker is very tech savvy and so he was selected to serve as the website administrator, and he was to be contacted with any technical issues that arose.  Susan Mayer was the most familiar with Dublin Core and so she was made responsible for item processing and ensuring we were all using the same tags for our metadata.  Ali Weidrich is incredibly organized and serves as editor’s assistant for one of UNC Charlotte’s scholarly journals, thus she was the logical choice to supervise the input of our bibliographical information.  I attended UNC Charlotte as an undergraduate as well as a graduate student, and I am nearly finished with two graduate degrees so I was placed in charge of research and research related questions were directed at me.  Each of us has different strengths and we utilized those strengths in our various roles to ensure the success of this exhibit. Finally, we created a schedule with deadlines for our group.  I am proud to say each and every one of us adhered to that schedule. 
We were each able to locate ten pertinent artifacts, scan and upload those items onto the Omeka website, and troubleshoot most of our own issues without outside assistance.  Our exhibit was very much an experience in trial and error.  I learned more by what I did wrong and then had to correct than I learned by anything I did right.   For instance, I had always listed myself as “Creator” in Dublin Core and I learned during this class that I am not the creator because I did not actually create the object in question.
Further, while I have always known the value of having a great group of people on your team this semester that lesson was really driven home.  I’ve had a lot of personal issues to deal with and I have only had access to my own transportation sporadically the last few months.  My fellow group members have been amazing in working with my schedule to ensure that we can all meet and get things done.  We’ve also communicated really well throughout this process, and managed to always keep one another abreast of any issues that arose.  Our project went very smoothly and I credit the talented and intelligent individuals on my team for the successful completion of this project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! You made it.