It seems that no matter what you write the "about me" section always comes across as somewhat contrived. I suppose the best way to combat that is to stick to first person narration and to be honest.
I am a first generation college graduate. I come from a long line of hardworking folks who happen to have lots of integrity, but not at a lot of formal education. The vast majority of my family either work in knitting mills or farm the land they grew up on. I never had anything handed to me on a silver platter, and I have struggled a lot for every little thing that I have. I like to think I inherited some of that work ethic and integrity that my family tree is so full of.
I've had a love affair with all things historic since I was a tee-tiny little girl. My papaw (for those of you not from the South that means grandpa, and I'm really sorry you didn't get to grow up here *wink*) took me to a living history site when I was so little I could barely talk. It's one of my earliest memories. I loved everything about it, and as I grew older he and my mamaw (grandma) just kept taking me to museums and historic sites until one day I decided I wanted to work in one.
So long story short, I went to college and graduated with honors and a B.A. in History and Religious Studies, and I did go to work at a local historic site. I've since gained a whole bunch of experience in museum education, collections management, and historic preservation technology. I am now working on my M.A. in Public History, and I started this blog as a requirement for my grad class in digital history. I am a public history consultant, and I'm working on adding social media consulting to my growing business. Please feel free to contact me at jlwelborn.history@gmail.com with any questions or comments.